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South Korea is scheduled to start playing baseball

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Cheap Jerseys china NFL Play 60 Challenge logo photoAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [5], childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.Acknowledging that physical activity produces overall physical, psychological and social benefits, and inactive children are likely to become inactive adults, the NFL PLAY 60 Challenge leverages the American Heart Association’s health expertise and the NFL’s commitment to physical fitness to motivate children to become physically active and instill healthy fitness habits.Downloadable family resources: Designed to extend learning beyond the classroom, NFL PLAY 60’s at home family resources encourage the development of personal and family goals for weekly physical activity.Interactive video segments: Featuring Ryan Kerrigan, outside linebacker for the Washington Redskins, NFL PLAY 60 offers short, interactive videos for classroom or home use that excite and educate students about various exercises. During these videos, Kerrigan coaches participating students through various movements while explaining the benefits of each physical activity.”Engaging students in physical activity not only provides fitness benefits, but also aids in improving academic achievement,” said Andy Losik, teacher at Hamilton Community Schools, Michigan. “I am looking forward to implementing NFL PLAY 60 resources in my classroom to inspire my students to become physically active and understand the importance of daily exercise.”According to a recent study published in the online journal PLOS ONE [6], kids who are physically fit have differences in their brain structures that might allow them to achieve higher in math. Cheap Jerseys china

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