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” However, Lasseter time in the national capital will

“He wrote articles for the Canberra Community News under the pen name of Gleaner reveals Clark, who adds, “he also attempted to get permission to run open air picture shows (for his own financial benefit) in several of the workmen camps that otherwise had no recreational outlets.” However, Lasseter time in the national capital will probably best be remembered for a hoax he perpetrated on workers living in the Mount Ainslie Camp after he “discovered” gold on a creekline at the base of Mount Ainslie. The Canberra Times of June 3, 1927, reports that “the original discoverer appears to have confided his find to a few mates, each of whom kept it a very close secret,” and that “discreetly basins and frying pans were purchased, and commenced a number of stealthy exits under the cover of night to take bags of wash from the bed of the watercourse [on Mount Ainslie]”. The bags of gold dust were hidden until “opportunity came for panning off in a crude fashion by oil or candle light.” The article then explains that the turned out to be far from valuable and was merely brass filings planted by a cruel hoaxster.

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