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Avenatti made the sign of the cross prior to the

Leadership matters. We now have the insane situation where the states are competing with each other and the federal government for vital resources to combat this pandemic the losers hoping the winners will share. There is no take charge coordination from President Donald Trump administration, but plenty of misinformation, finger pointing and undeserved self praise..

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Cheap Jerseys free shipping (CNN) Prosecutors said the lawyer threatened to publicly accuse athletic apparel maker Nike of illicitly paying amateur basketball players unless the company paid him millions of dollars.The government said Avenatti also betrayed his client, a youth basketball coach who made the allegations against Nike, by advocating for money for himself instead of the client.Avenatti was charged with transmission of interstate communications with intent to extort, attempted extortion and honest services wire fraud.Avenatti made the sign of the cross prior to the verdict being read, stared at the jury and looked down at the table. He told the lawyers, “Great job, you guys,” and hugged one of them as he was led away to a backroom. He was not handcuffed.”Of course there will be an appeal,” Scott Srebnick, Avenatti’s lead defense attorney, told CNN.Srebnick said he was going to meet with Avenatti before his client was taken to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he’s been in custody throughout the trial.Avenatti still faces two additional trials for allegedly stealing Stormy Daniels’ book advance and committing fraud in California. Cheap Jerseys free shipping

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