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They want a pattern because they don conceptualize

Although we’ve attempted to capture the tenor of current debates about e cigarettes, we make no claims to the comprehensiveness of our examination an impossibility given the topicality of this problem along with the speed with which new developments are happening. Moreover, we haven’t restricted ourselves to literature on e cigarettes, but have sought to find our examination inside a broader historical and cultural context, recognizing that current responses to e cigarettes are inextricably bound up with older debates about nicotine and the concept of habit.This article begins using an historical review of tobacco and nicotine’s distinctive relationship with all the notion of addiction, and the rise of medicinal nicotine being a treatment for tobacco dependence and its particular perceived relationship to other kinds of nicotine like smokeless tobacco. Following this contextualization, the second half of the paper focuses on the reception of e cigarettes, which we propose cannot be reduced just towards the nature of those goods.

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