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I am proud of being black or proud of being negro,” he said.Tedros has also come under increasing pressure over Taiwan, which at the behest of China has been excluded from the WHO and other international bodies, amid growing calls for it to be granted access to the WHA.Taiwan has, like Trump, harshly criticised the UN agency and its chief for being too willing to believe Beijing and praise its handling of the outbreak.On social media meanwhile, a battle is raging between Cheap Jerseys free shipping the pro and anti Tedros camps. The WHO chief himself has joined the virtual fight, retweeting messages of support from a range of African leaders, other political actors and scientists.’Firm, courageous'”I’ve known Dr Tedros for 27 years. He is a man of great principle, and his calm but firm, courageous leadership of WHO during this terrible COVID 19 pandemic is exactly what the world needs right now,” tweeted Laura Hammond, a University of London professor.He also has a knack for diplomacy.During the 2017 election, he highlighted his drive as health minister to expand basic healthcare by building thousands of clinics and boosting community based health services, and vowed to give the WHO a similar overhaul, with an emphasis on global health coverage.When he took over, the organisation was undergoing far reaching reforms after mismanaging the initial response to the Ebola outbreak in west Africa, which killed more than 11,300 people between 2013 and 2016.But just a few months into his tenure, he created a scandal by appointing Zimbabwe’s then president Robert Mugabe as a WHO goodwill ambassador.

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