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As ashamed and as sorry as i am, it was all my fault

Le rput designer qubcois Denis Gagnon s’est mis lui aussi la fabrication de masques. Les siens ont un style d’enfer: ils sont orns ici de paillettes, l de velours. Un ingnieux systme d’ajustement derrire les oreilles, ainsi qu’un ajustement au niveau du nez avec barre de fer, permet un maximum de confort.

Researchers tested household materials cotton T shirts, scarves, tea towels, pillowcases and vacuum cleaner bags see how good they were at blocking bacterial and viral aerosols, and how realistically the material could be used as a mask. The researchers found that the most suitable materials were pillowcases and 100% cotton T shirts, though the shirt stretchy composition made the mask fit better. Volunteers made their own T shirt masks (here how) and then coughed wearing their homemade mask, a surgical mask and no mask.

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